Overutilised Teapot Detective Agency

Huzzah! You cracked the case wide open!

Now, being in cahoots with Marlee and Tommy, we had a hunch you'd unravel the mysteries, but still, well done! 

And now, the curtain lifts... Lily Benjamin is a guise, simply a blend of Marlee and Tommy's middle names. And this may shock you, but the Overutilised Teapot Detective Agency? Well, it's a playful anagram of our names!

Yes, we are their three whimsical felines. We were told we weren't allowed to attend the wedding, but we wanted to do something special for the humans who feed us, give us pets, and clean up our poop. 

So we decided to concoct a journey through some of the most influential moments of their lives to show you how special we think they are. And what better way than through their love language of puzzles and interactive shenanigans?

You've traced the steps leading to today and now, you're part of their story, too. But where does the story go from here? What's next for the happy couple?

Fill out the form, and they'll read the answers at the end of the night. So come on! Predict their future and help write the next chapter of their story.

With Love and Purrs,

Oedipus, Violet, and Tetra

P.S. Feel free to send us lots of treats.

The Predictions

More cats! So many more cats! Too many cats!

They live happily ever after in the escape room called life!!

All the love and happiness one can ever wish for!!


Creating the best escape rooms and immersive experiences, growing your family and making all the cats be best friends! <3 Much love!

Cleaning up the Teapot Detective Agency poop 

The future holds happiness, lots of games and puzzles, and delighting in your family as it grows!

Baby geniuses

Jet setting to Athens, Greece, Barcelona, Spain, Seoul, Korea, Tokyo, Japan and MORE with me, Stephen, Peih Gee and Brian(??) for more daring and mind melding adventures that may or may not involve leaving Tommy alone in the dark in the first room (sorry!)

Start yet another business in planning escape room weddings. 

We’ll all meet under table 23 for ghost stories and s’mores.

Aggressive cat snuggling

A lifetime of happiness, creativity, escape rooms, and obviously many many kitty pets! 🥰

They come upon a briefcase full on money and create even more creative adventures for them and the world to enjoy!

the happy duo will win the first pulitzer prize ever given for puzzles

You’re about to fall down a time hole and spend the next few years fighting robot dinosaurs. You will win. 

They live spontaneously from moment to moment, thus thwarting the fates at every turn! 

Many many many nights of cuddles & purrs…oh with the cats too.

Become Mommy and find a couple with Daddy as their ship name.


Marlee and Tommy continue to thrive, achieving world domination with a smile. Their penchant for collecting good people around them results in world peace. Their cats are unimpressed.

A puzzle forward adoption focused immersive cat cafe, "scratch meowse"

They will adopt one more cat, and the fuzzy felines will start their own quarter. The Whispering Whiskers will go on to revolutionize the music industry with their mix of yowling harmonies, timeless themes, and cozy cuteness.

The cats will meet muffin.

Going to Japan and Greece with Peih-Gee, Stephen and Alyssa (Brian you know what you did) 

They combine their minds to make something beautiful.

Escape Greece with the crew!

Baby in the baby carriage

They’re going to Disney World!!! Or home to recuperate from throwing such an amazing party…

They invent time travel 

World the in couple happiest the them make will that and changes nothing wedding a after

The future of immersive entertainment (but actually ❤️)

Lots of love and directional locks.

More cats?

Tommy Jr playing with Hernany Jr


Space pirates, in spaaaaaaace!!!